“Brasil” e Vale tudo: o país da canção no Brasil da novela
Cazuza, Vale tudo, Brazil, popular song, teledramaturgyAbstract
The song “Brasil” by Cazuza, released on the famous album Ideologia in 1988, had a interpretation by Gal Costa, specially prepared for the opening of the soap opera Vale tudo, by Gilberto Braga, Aguinaldo Silva and Leonor Bassères, which premiered in the same year. The song and the soap opera, that, deliberately and deeply thematized the country, established an intertextual and intermedia relationship with each other, so that Cazuza's “Brazil” started to illuminate the universe of Vale tudo and, in the same way, the country of the soap opera started to reverberate also in the senses of the song. The objective of this article is to analyze this reciprocity circuit of forms and meanings, as well as its effects for the representation of Brazilianness that they made at that moment of the country.
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