Teaching reading speed: a study on the relationship between fluency and reading comprehension in the final years of elementary school





Working Memory, Learning, Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition


Recent studies have been conditioning reading comprehension skills to processes such as reading fluency. In view of this, the present study aimed at verifying how reading speed interferes with reading comprehension, based on the implementation of fluency teaching practices for students in the 9th year of Elementary School. To accomplish this, a qualitative-quantitative research was carried out, characterized as action research. Didactic interventions were done, through workshops, to teach reading speed. Three stages were conducted in order to accomplish the goal of the study. First, a pre-test was carried out, in order to verify the reading speed of seventeen 9th-grade students, research subjects; later, five workshops of approximately 45 minutes each were held to develop reading speed, based on games and dynamics. Lastly, the post-test was carried out, to verify whether there had been advances in reading speed from the workshops held. With the interventions, the participants obtained a significant improvement from the pre to the post-test, in relation to the reading speed, thus proving that it is possible to qualify the reading fluency through practices in the classroom. However, in relation to performance in reading comprehension, the data were not conclusive. The analysis of the pre-test, although, showed that those who read faster understand better. The results of this study may help professionals working in schools.


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How to Cite

Potrich, M. ., & Forneck, K. L. (2022). Teaching reading speed: a study on the relationship between fluency and reading comprehension in the final years of elementary school. Signo, 47(90), 118-129. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v47i90.17410