Better is forward: frame conflicts underlying our conception of evolution




Metaphor, Frame conflict, Evolution


This study aims to investigate conceptual mechanisms underlying different notions of evolution from diverse discursive domains, as well occasional incompatibilities between such mechanisms. Referring to the concepts of metaphor (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002 [1980]) and frame conflict (REDDY, 2000 [1979]), we carry out the identification of both metaphorical expressions (STEEN et al., 2010) and relative conceptual metaphors (STEEN, 2011) in two corpora: a technical corpus, which consists of the entries “Lamarckism” and “Darwinism” on Wikipedia (2022); and a spontaneous corpus, composed of 500 occurrences of the term “evolution” (and some respective forms) from Corpus do Português (DAVIES, 2016), on the web. Findings show that both the scientific theories and the spontaneous uses of “evolution” analyzed here agree with the metaphors PROCESS IS JOURNEY and CHANGE IS MOTION ‒ which represents our understandings, on the one hand, of evolution in terms of a journey and, on the other, of environmental changes in terms of detours. Nevertheless, findings point in opposite directions when it comes to the metaphor PURPOSES ARE DESTINATIONS, which conceptualizes the final goals of evolution in terms of the journey’s final location. While Lamarckism and spontaneous uses of “evolution” actualize this very metaphor, it causes a frame conflict with conceptual mechanisms underlying Darwinism, the most agreed theory among scholars and researchers.


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How to Cite

Dienstbach, D. (2023). Better is forward: frame conflicts underlying our conception of evolution. Signo, 48(91), 126-139.



Metaphor in science: between cognition and discourse