Other bodies in health education: towards an intersectional perspective of the patient in idealized cognitive models





health education, idealized cognitive models, patient, intersectionality


This theoretical essay aims at discussing how aspects of the conceptual field of health education may have material consequences in the assumed perspective for future professionals. From the theoretical framework of Idealized Cognitive Models (ICM), we reflect on what established social stereotypes of the ideal patient in this field, and what are the other bodies that are hidden and/or little considered, later, in health care. We propose that the tensioning of this ICM for the construction of meanings that see the intersections in health allows taking into account the impact of social determinants of health in the lives of patients who are crossed by the most diverse oppressions and who are on the margins of this ICM. Finally, we envision the need for teaching practices that allow for the perspective of cultural models that spread to the margins, as well as for deepening cultural competences in health science faculties.


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How to Cite

Aver Vanin, A., & Gil, M. M. (2023). Other bodies in health education: towards an intersectional perspective of the patient in idealized cognitive models. Signo, 48(91), 140-153. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v48i91.17977



Metaphor in science: between cognition and discourse