Guidelines for the construction of digital materials focused on stimulating reading comprehension in typical elderly people




Ageing, Cognitive stimulation, Digital reading


Nowadays, cell phones have become a new reading medium, changing the way people read and relate to texts. All age groups are looking to use new technologies, including the elderly, who are looking for entertainment and knowledge. In this context, this article seeks to present the development of an application aimed at cognitive stimulation through language, with an emphasis on reading comprehension activities. The article also aims to provide support for the development of digital language tasks at text level, both for research and clinical use, including atypical ageing; this support can help both researchers and developers of digital tasks. Based on studies of reading comprehension, text and digital reading in ageing, activities were developed on the HTML5 Package (H5P) platform. The process of developing the texts and interactive activities is presented, as well as visual examples of the activities and the care taken during their creation - taking into account the audience of elderly people and their needs. The conclusion is that the use of applications aimed at cognitive stimulation through language tasks should be expanded, given their potential to benefit typical and atypical elderly people to expand their cognitive reserve, mitigating the effects of ageing on the brain and offering a better quality of life.


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How to Cite

Santana Schmidt, D., & Cristine Hübner, L. (2024). Guidelines for the construction of digital materials focused on stimulating reading comprehension in typical elderly people. Signo, 49(94), 73-85.



v. 49, n. 94, 2024 - Leitura comparada das mídias