Memórias e Ancestralidade no Diário de Bitita Memories and Ancestry in Bitita's Diary
Carolina Maria de Jesus, Memory, AncestryAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze the work of Carolina Maria de Jesus (1986), a critical-social and bibliographical analysis of the book “Diário de Bitita”, which is a continuation of the well-known book “Quarto de Despejo”, both books are autobiographical, which tells the story from the author's childhood to her adult life. The work seeks a discussion regarding the perspective of memory and ancestry in the work, since the narrative is initially an autobiography by Carolina Maria de Jesus, in which she presents accounts of her life and denunciations of social and economic inequality. To do so, we will use the studies by Evaristo (2008) to think about memory; Halbwachs (1990); Izquierdo (2018); Pollak (1992) and Ribeiro (2010), we bring to the debate on the issue of ancestry based on theorists' discussions; Matheus Gato (2020); Leda Martins (2021) and Oliveira (2007) and about the biography of the author Farias (2017) and among other theorists. Therefore, the theme, memory, ancestry regarding the Afro-Brazilian community is some of the discursive elements that characterize the richness of the work, allowing the reader to establish a critical look at the autobiographical narrative of Carolina Maria de Jesus.
Keywords: Carolina Maria de Jesus; Memory; Ancestry.
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