Effects of education on the ability to make inferences





Inferences, Textual Comprehension, Elementary Education


Inferential ability involves connecting missing information in the text appropriately, being essential for comprehension. Factors related to both the reader and the text can affect it. This study investigates two of them: academic progression and the type of inference. Thus, this study aimed to analyze possible differences in schooling between types of inferences in 4th and 5th-grade elementary school students. The sample consists of 112 students who answered 12 inferential questions of state, prediction, and cause (four of each type). Children's responses were categorized by two judges, and a third judge analyzed disagreements. Then, weighted Kappa was applied for agreements (almost perfect) and intraclass correlation coefficient (excellent). MANOVA results showed that only the prediction inference presented a statistically significant difference between the 4th and 5th-grade groups (F (1; 110) = 6.733; p = 0.011) after Bonferroni correction. Educational implications are discussed regarding the development of textual comprehension, as well as some difficulties presented by children in dealing with different types of inferences. These results bring new contributions to the literature. In the educational context, it can foster discussions and guide practices related to text comprehension.


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Author Biographies

Katia de Matos Palinha, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira – UNIVERSO

PhD candidate and Master in Psychology from Salgado de Oliveira University - UNIVERSO. She works as a teacher in Primary Education (Elementary School) in the Municipal Networks of Niterói and Itaboraí - RJ.

Márcia Maria Peruzzi Elia da Mota, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira – UNIVERSO / Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

PhD in Psychology from the University of Oxford. She works as an associate professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro and as a full professor in the Graduate Program in Psychology at Salgado de Oliveira University – UNIVERSO. She is a level 2 productivity fellow at CNPq and a "Cientista do Nosso Estado" (Scientist of Our State) by Faperj.


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How to Cite

Palinha, K. de M., & Mota, M. M. P. E. da. (2024). Effects of education on the ability to make inferences. Signo, 49(96), 152-162. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v49i96.19569



v. 49, n. 96, 2024 - Práticas de leitura compartilhada de livros na infância e