A leitura compartilhada como instrumento de desenvolvimento da compreensão textual de alunos do 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental





Shared reading, reading comprehension, cognitive development


This article is the result of a study carried out with students in the third year of elementary education at a public school in João Pessoa (PB). With the aim of investigating the effects of shared reading on students' reading comprehension, we started from the hypothesis that when children are involved in the practice of shared reading, their linguistic-cognitive skills for text comprehension tasks expand considerably. The problem of this work is based on the following question: how can shared reading, as a pedagogical practice, affect the development of the cognitive skills necessary for reading comprehension in children in the third year of elementary school? In order to answer this question, we carried out a qualitative-quantitative study with two groups of students, in which we applied shared reading activities and the interpretation of four texts, analyzing some of the BNCC's skills relating to text interpretation: i) locate explicit information in texts - EF15LP03; ii) infer implicit information in the texts read - EF35LP04; iii) infer the meaning of unknown words or expressions in texts, based on the context of the sentence or text - EF35LPO5; and iv) express and defend a point of view on a controversial topic related to situations experienced at school and/or in the community, using a formal register and structure appropriate to the argument, considering the communicative situation and the topic/subject of the text - EF35LP15. The two groups were subjected to different reading practices, with group A (control) reading in the conventional way and group B (experimental) practicing shared reading. Both groups took the same reading comprehension tests after the reading activities. The data generated after analyzing the results of the text interpretation activities indicated that the experimental group (B) showed better overall performance than the control group (A) in the development of the four skills tested (EF15LP03; EF35LP04; EF35LPO5 and EF35LP15).


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How to Cite

Leite, J. E. R., & Morgana Farias de Luna. (2024). A leitura compartilhada como instrumento de desenvolvimento da compreensão textual de alunos do 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Signo, 49(96), 34-50. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v49i96.19571



v. 49, n. 96, 2024 - Práticas de leitura compartilhada de livros na infância e