Senses of (hyper) reading in (dis)course


  • Fernanda Silveira Correa Galli
  • Gustavo Grandini Bastos
  • Ludmila Ferrarezi



(Hiper)leitura, Discurso, Internet,


In this paper, we did a study about the reading on the Internet using, as theoretical and methodological framework, the french Discourse Analysis. The reading, in this discursive perspective, is a historically constructed process, in which the sense isn’t ready, because it depends on the socialhistorical position occupied by the subject, allowing the ambiguity, the misunderstanding, the “hole” that allows to understand that the language is also the place of non-communication. We undertook an analytical route of clippings that we got through the offer “Reading on the Internet is ...", corpus that were collected from an exercise done at the IV Congress of Discourse Analysis - Reading(s) in the discourse and Information Science. We believe that the reading held on Internet allows the inscription of other senses: it isn’t only a change of support, but an another way of reading and production of senses. We noted in our analysis two regularities present in the clippings, namely: i) the grandiosity of the Internet which enchants the subject-reader who, in turn, believes to have access to all files that exist there, and ii) the negative characteristic of the reading on the screen, that causes discomfort and irritation in front of many possibilities available for the reading.


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How to Cite

Galli, F. S. C., Bastos, G. G., & Ferrarezi, L. (2011). Senses of (hyper) reading in (dis)course. Signo, 36(61), 190-205.