Analysis of speech in the image of advertisements on teacher education


  • Silvane Aparecida Freitas



Discurso. Texto. Propaganda. Professor. Educação.


Our objective in this article review three advertisements on education, aired in two magazines New School, a month of Jan / Feb 2009 and another in June of that year. Based on the theoretical analysis of the speech of the French line, had the intention to reflect on that image of teacher is explored in these advertisements, as well as discursive strategies that are used to secure the support of the reader, and argue that ideologies that place the social subject announcer speaks. For this reason, our analysis does not only stuck to the materiality of language texts, but also the extra-linguistic, the conditions of production of speech, the non-verbal signs. After reading our exercise, we conclude that these advertisements show a surface representation of education, with many stereotypes of the image of the teacher.


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How to Cite

Freitas, S. A. (2011). Analysis of speech in the image of advertisements on teacher education. Signo, 36(61), 206-221.