The irony and not fiction


  • Ricardo Luís Düren
  • Eunice Piazza Gai



Ironia, peripécia, não ficção, imprensa,


The text in question is an essay in which he discusses the presence of the irony of events in fictional incidents not reported by the press, addressing also the interest that such stories arouse in readers. Taking the example of the tragedy of Oedipus, the test initially introduced the concept of peripeteia, a term mentioned in the Poetics, Aristotle, to denote the transformation of a given situation in its extreme - an action which well-meaning, for example, eventually resulting in doom, where it should be good turns into something very bad. The following argues that the mishap, though employed by Aristotle to conceptualize a phenomenon present in literary narrative, is not restricted to fiction. The test relies on non-fictional events, narrated by the press, in which real people succumb to victims of incidents that might well be compared to incidents. One such event is referred to the death of state assemblyman Euclydes Kliemann, assassinated in 1963 due to positions that were obviously very different goals of the tragic outcome that was reached. Throughout this essay, is presenting the term irony of events, also used to conceptualize situations where a particular action attracts the opposite result to that provided by the agent. After demonstrating the existence of non-fiction adventures, the test begins to wonder about the reasons why these narratives are interesting in public, even among readers with no interest in literature. Cites authors for whom the taste for the account of the tragedy of others is inherent in human beings, but notes that plots equipped with adventures beyond the mere narrative of another's misfortune. We conclude that among the reasons for such interest, is possibly the finding, by the reader, that anyone can fall victim to an "irony of fate" - including himself.


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How to Cite

Düren, R. L., & Gai, E. P. (2012). The irony and not fiction. Signo, 37(62), 459-468.



Narrativas literárias e comunicaionais