The description as fundamental tool for a good communication


  • Sérgio Brasil Fernandes



The description is one of the main modes of organization of the discourse, because it is through her that the fundamental basis is acquired to use other forms to organize the writing of a text. The description allows for the possibility that people have individual and the particular notion about themselves and about everything that surrounds them. It is emphasized that the construction of the images that constitute the world in which we live occurs through the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and of the creative imagination of the human. Explain all these aspects fomented the elaboration of this study that aims to demonstrate the importance of description as fundamental tool for good communication. For this, the bibliographic research of qualitative nature was used as methodology in this work that is characterized as an exploratory study. Of the theoretical referential that support the work, it should be emphasized that the description is the most natural way in humans to produce a text because the instruments of the description, ie, the human senses, are already in us and are vital elements of our sensitivity. (AMARAL; ANTÔNIO; PATROCÍNIO, 2001). In this study, by analysis of various types of text, descriptive techniques and forms of influence exercised by the description in the modes of organization of the narrative discourse and argumentative are identified. In synthesis, it is need to prioritize the study of the description as mode of organization of the discourse essential to obtain knowledge of world and for the realization of an accurate and effective communication.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, S. B. (2012). The description as fundamental tool for a good communication. Signo, 37(62), 171-189.



Leitura e processos cognitivos