Good Morning silence: childhood action in the movies


  • Ângela Fronckowiak



Children, "between them", what do they tell us? How do we listen to them? How do we see them? How do we read them? In the essay, I pursue the idea of investigating the actions of children, sensory projected in the film Good Morning (Ohayo - 1959) of Yasujiro Ozu (1903-1963), in dialogue with the sociology of childhood, poetic pedagogy and the phenomenology of imagination. The intention is to prioritize, in the perception of childhood, the study of the relationships that children establish themselves in the film attended. Imagination, therefore, operates a key role here, because thinking from the perspective of construction of this text, surpasses reproduce or analyze a world that is to be seen, or offers. By choosing this route of access - not better, but another - I seek to listen to read-see feel the film work while creating a new image and design from her, a creative writing, which establishes the close link with the my imagination wander material in the course of writing.


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How to Cite

Fronckowiak, Ângela. (2012). Good Morning silence: childhood action in the movies. Signo, 37(62), 531-545.



Narrativas literárias e comunicaionais