Impressions on the teaching of literature: an internship research


  • Natália Pinto Rebouças
  • Danielle de Almeida Menezes



ensino. Literatura. papel do professor


This research, simultaneously developed together with the teaching practice supervised internship program at UFRJ, aims at discussing, the teaching of Literature at a federal school. Although the study of a single context is limited, thinking about the reality one has access to as a pre-service teacher is essential for a reflexive teaching practice (Freire, 1978). Results reveal that the teaching of Literature, according to participants, is based on traditional practices and show that these practices need to be rethought so that they become meaningful for students. This research can be considered innovative because it parts from the impressions of the students themselves, listening to their voice. The analyses based on these impressions searches to which degree the current practice of literature at school meets students’ reading practice and stimulates students to develop themselves as readers.


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How to Cite

Rebouças, N. P., & Menezes, D. de A. (2012). Impressions on the teaching of literature: an internship research. Signo, 37(63), 225-245.