Diagnostic analysis of reading performance: Provinha Brasil vs. fluency in oral reading


  • Ayane Nararela Santos Almeida
  • Raquel Meister Ko. Freitag




Ensino. Letramento. Provinha Brasil. Leitura oral.


We analyzed, through of the results obtained in the application of the Teste 2 of the Provinha Brasil 2011 and of an matrix of competence in oral reading fluency, the performance of learners in the oral reading fluency and its convergence with the performance in the Provinha Brasil. As corpus, we take four stories without images so that students, of 2nd year of elementary school at a municipal school in Aracaju, made oral reading. During the analysis, we correlated the competence in oral reading fluency developed by students, and verified by matrix proposed in this study, with the results obtained in Test 2 of the Provinha Brasil 2011. We conclude that the links between the matrix of competence in oral reading fluency in conjunction with the reference matrix of the Provinha Brasil 2011 allows significantly contribute to the improvement of communicative competence and literacy of the learner student.


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. N. S., & Freitag, R. M. K. (2012). Diagnostic analysis of reading performance: Provinha Brasil vs. fluency in oral reading. Signo, 37(63), 98-110. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v37i63.2967



Dificuldades no aprendizado e processamento da leitura