Reading prediction strategy: semantic field of language and reading teaching
Leitura. Predição. Plano semântico. Ensino.Abstract
Based on a communication presented at IV Colóquio Linguagem e Cognição at UNISC, this article has as its theme the reading prediction, regarding the semantic field of language (Pereira, 2006, 2009a, 2009b) and the application of the reading prediction in the teaching of reading. This piece of writing shows the author's intention to explain the reading strategy, contributing to Portuguese Language teaching (Colomer; Camps 2002). This article is based on Psycholinguistics, concerning the understanding and processing of reading (Goodman, 1991; Smith, 2003) and has its support in studies of the text (Halliday, 1976; Charolles, 1978), especially regarding lexical cohesion and coherency. Initially, this writing presents the context of educational needs, explaining the difficulties lying in the theme. Then, this article explains the linguistics elements based on the two highlighted areas. Also, it is suggested ways for the teaching of reading. Finally, it contains reflections about the productivity of the suggested ways for the learning and teaching of reading.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pereira, V. W. (2009). Reading prediction strategy: semantic field of language and reading teaching. Signo, 34(57), 64-75.
Mesa I - Leitura e Psicolinguística - Compreensão Leitora - Argumentação Retórica e Análise do Discurso