The disclosure of PNBE 2008’s digest in municipal schools of Caxias do Sul


  • Nathalie Vieira Neves
  • Flávia Brocchetto Ramos



Biblioteca escolar, Mediação de leitura, Programa Nacional Biblioteca na Escola (PNBE)


This article aims promoting the reflection about the reception and the strategies of the disclosure of PNBE 2008’s digest (Programa Nacional Biblioteca na Escola – National Program Library at School) in municipal schools of Caxias do Sul. The data was discussed from the data base of CEALE/FaE/UFMG and official documents available at the Program’s website and theoretical support of Regina Zilberman, Edgar Morin, Reuven Feuerstein and Carol Kuhlthau, who discuss the importance of literature and reading mediation for the human development. For the analysis, written questionnaires were observed, which were answered by 70 schools, regarding questions about the incorporation and the disclosure of the received materials, and also about the implementation of specific activities with these books. The results show that the majority of schools has disclosed the collection during the “reading time” (31,82%) and through the exposition at the library and/or at the teacher’s room (25,75%). However, it was realized that there was such a lack of association between the school activities and the digest’s arrival, which stresses the importance of this disclosure for all school community and the integration among different reading mediators to the formation of autonomous readers.


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How to Cite

Neves, N. V., & Ramos, F. B. (2009). The disclosure of PNBE 2008’s digest in municipal schools of Caxias do Sul. Signo, 34(57), 107-119.



Mesa II - Formação de Leitores - Bibliotecas Escolares - Leitura na Escola