Psychosemiotics of the dream in Georgian artistic discourse (From realism to modernism)
DOI :ésumé
Abstract: The study of the dream phenomenon in Georgian artistic discourse is important because dreaming represents typological universality, although with ethno-national specificity in its performance, enabling us to understand Georgian mentality peculiarity in relation with Western tradition and also because a dream semantics (in its broadest sense), as a cultural concept, encompasses typologically similar events (prophecies, visions, dreams, prognoses, etc.), the function of which in Georgian texts demands special study, as it represents a provoking element of narrative structure. The research goal is to \ under various perspectives: exploring the dream phenomenon through uniting psychological and literary aspects; typological dreams classification and its variations in the creation by Georgian realist and modernist writers. The research main line involves three types of scientific methodology: The sociological-psychological research method of dream phenomenon; feature-based analysis of dreams and structural-contextual analysis of dreams, which presents paradigmatic variants of diverse literary processes during the 19th and 20th centuries. The Georgian realism considered that dreams adhered to their basic principles.Vazha-Pshavela, in contrast, has a dreamlike vision that is not only related to sleep but it is one of the ways of accessing the irrational world through the dreamer’s mystical-allegorical perception and myths. Vazha-Pshavela's next generation of Georgian writers, who are fond of European culture began to master and develop the themes typical to modernism, and also to it’s theoretical principles.
Keywords: Dreams; psychosemiotics; Georgian artistic discourse; Modernism
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