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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • We accept submissions with up to five authors.
  • The text is original and is within the scope of the Journal.
  • The text is not under evaluation in other journals, even if in another language.
  • The main author has a doctoral degree.
  • The text does not contain any information that identifies the author(s).
  • In case the article has been accepted for publication in REDES Journal, the authors undertake to send a version of the text in English within 30 days after the date of the acceptance notice, with identification of the professional responsible for the English version. The authors are aware that, if the English version is not sent, the article will not be published.
  • The authors of the submitted manuscript declare to REDES Journal that there is no conflict of interest in relation to this article.
  • The Editorial Committee reserves the right not to publish articles that, even selected, do not strictly comply with all the rules previously presented.
  • The cover sheet file is included in the submission in a separate document, containing the authors' information, the sources of funding, and, in the case of co-authored articles, the contribution of each author, according to the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).
  • The authors informed their ORCID record in the submission metadata.
  • Do not use capital letters in article titles and authors' names.
  • The text is structured according to the journal's technical standards for publication and formatting (in the template available on the Authors Guidelines). The text does not contain any information that identifies the author(s).
  • The metadata must be correctly filled in the system, including all authors with their data, since the article, when published, the system automatically inserts the authors who are informed in the metadata, and there can be no changes later. There must be no pending issues in relation to the author of the submission and other authors.
  • References are formatted according to ABNT. References of any type accessed online shall present the active electronic address (non-active links will not be accepted). References that have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) assigned must have the access link and the DOI link informed.
  • The title, abstract and keywords were provided in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Author Guidelines

To submit articles, authors must register in the system as readers. Afterwards, the role of AUTHOR must be requested to the e-mail Inform the login and e-mail used in the registration so that the sending of manuscripts is released in the respective account.



REDES – The Journal of Regional Development - accepts articles written by doctors. Doctoral students, masters, master's students can submit texts as co-authors. Texts with undergraduate students as co-authors will be accepted by the decision of the editors.

Articles and essays can be submitted for publication in three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish) in the following sections: Dossier or Thematic Issues and Free Articles.

From 2021, articles accepted for publication will be made available to readers in the original language and in its respective English-language version which is the responsibility of the authors, as well as a requirement for publication. In case of submissions made in English, the approved article will be published only in this language.

From January 2021, REDES will move to a continuous publishing model, with articles organized by dossier or thematic issues and free articles in a volume per year. The number of articles to be published in each annual volume will be of 60 articles.

All the articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which "allows others to distribute, remix, adapt or build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation" (Creative Commons, 2013).

The manuscripts should be unpublished and on subjects related to the field of studies on regional development, from the social and human sciences, especially urban and regional planning, geography, economics, sociology, political science, social communication, law, history, social service and tourism, among other disciplinary areas, as long as they particularly approach the theme of regional development.

Manuscripts received by REDES are submitted to the Similarity Check text comparison tool, powered by iThenticate. The journal condemns unethical practices and starts from the premise that the authors guarantee the originality of the document, and the use of information from other authors are properly cited. Thus, it is possible that the authors receive questions during the evaluation process of the submitted work, regarding to possible non-conformities identified by the tool mentioned above. If bad practices are confirmed, the author(s) involved shall receive the notice of rejection and archiving of the work.

REDES Journal receives articles of theoretical and empirical nature that approach the processes of regional development through reflections and analyzes on its different aspects and dimensions, such as the understanding of territorial dynamics, considering the different scales of action and the analysis of socio-spatial processes, the territorial historical-cultural diversity, the strategies and the tools of management and territorial planning, in the different dimensions of sustainability involved; the study of institutional capacities at its various levels, of taking initiative, mediating and regulating territorial management processes. Furthermore, the analysis of conflicts, tensions and the production of consensuses between public power and social agents; and the analysis of regional productive activity with emphasis on social and economic agents and organizations, forms of cooperation and conflicts, configured in different forms of organization of production and market, among others.

The articles and essays may be more theoretical through a critical and updated literature review (not only bibliographical reviews) or be of a more empirical nature, resulting from research carried out in the areas of social and human sciences that are part of the field of studies on regional development.

The contribution should be ORIGINAL. The text submitted should NOT have been published or submitted to another journal. Exceptional situations should be reported to the publisher through registration in the online submission metadata.

Papers previously presented at scientific events, which abstract or full version have been published at annals will only be accepted in extraordinary cases, such as thematic dossiers, according to Editorial Board definition.

Opinions, points of view and arguments presented in the articles submitted are the sole responsibility of their respective authors, not necessarily expressing the opinion of the Editors, Associate Editors, Editorial Board, PPGDR-UNISC and the institutions that promote REDES Journal.

Article submissions should be carried out exclusively by the OJS platform (Open Journal Systems). Articles sent by email or any other means will not be accepted.

Each author/co-author may publish only one article per year in REDES.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the submission with respect to all the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be returned to the authors.

1. The text is original and is within the scope of the Journal.

2. We accept submissions with up to five authors.

3. The text is not under evaluation in other journals, even if in another language.

4. The main author has a doctoral degree.

5. The text is structured according to the journal's technical standards for publication and formatting (in the template available on the Authors Guidelines).

6. References are formatted according to ABNT NBR 10520. References of any type accessed online shall present the active electronic address (non-active links will not be accepted). References that have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) assigned must have the access link and the DOI link informed.

7. At least two thirds of the references cited in the article are up to date (last 05 years)

8. The text does not contain any information that identifies the author(s).

9. In the case of co-authored articles, the contribution of each author should be identified in a supplementary document, according to the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy):


Data Curation

Formal Analysis

Funding Acquisition



Project Administration


Software Supervision



Writing – original draft

Writing – review & editing

10. The sources of funding are informed in the Submission Metadata.

11. The information about the authors should be included in the submission metadata, being compulsory the complete identification of all authors: full name, academic background, highest academic degree, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, Lattes Curriculum URL (electronic address) and ORCID electronic address.

12. Title, abstract, keywords and references of the article must be included in the submission metadata.

13. Do not use upper case.

14. In case the article has been accepted for publication in REDES Journal, the authors undertake to send a version of the text in English within 30 days after the date of the acceptance notice, with identification of the professional responsible for the English version. The authors are aware that, if the English version is not sent, the article will not be published.

15. The authors of the submitted manuscript declare to REDES Journal that there is no conflict of interest in relation to this article.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right not to publish articles that, even selected, do not strictly comply with all the rules previously presented.



Access the formatting template 

Click here to download: Cover sheet example


Submit the cover sheet file in Word (.docx) or OpenOffice (.odt) format in a separate document, containing information about the authors, each author's contribution and funding sources.

The text should be submitted in Word (.docx) or OpenOffice (.odt) format and in accordance with the rules and formatting standards available in the template provided above. The file should be saved directly to your computer, making it available for editing.

The text should be typed in single spacing and justified alignment. Pages should be numbered and configured in A4 format, top and bottom = 2,5cm, left and right = 3cm. Articles should have between 7,000 and 10,000 words, up to ten illustrations (considering the set of graphs, tables, charts, maps, images, formulas) and a maximum of 25 pages.

The article should not present authors identification on any page.

The first page of the article should contain the title in Portuguese (Candara font, size 22, bold), English and Spanish (Candara font, size 11, bold), abstract and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish (Candara font, size 11). The main text of the article should then follow.

Title: The main title should be sent in the three languages, without numbering, not in upper case, bold, font and size according to the template available on the Authors Guidelines. The subtitle should be numbered, not in upper case, bold, Candara font, size 12, left-justified paragraph. Third-level titles should be avoided. When essential, they should be not numbered, not in uppercase, Candara font, size 12, italic, left-justified paragraph.

Abstract: the abstract should have between 150 and 250 words, single spacing, Candara font, size 11, containing the subject, objectives and research problem, signaling of the theoretical reference used, synthesis of the methodology and main results. The abstract should be sent in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish. The translation should be faithful to the text sent in the original language of the article.

Keywords: three to five keywords (ABNT standards), separated by a dot, should be indicated at the time of submission of the article. And in the text, they should be presented in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish. Translations should be faithful to the keywords of the original language of the article.

Body text: The text should be written in Candara font, size 12, justified paragraph and single spacing. The indentation of the first line of each paragraph should be 1.25cm.

Quotations: indirect quotes should appear in the article with proper reference to the authors following the idea of the cited author. Direct quotes of up to three lines should be in the body of the paragraph, enclosed in double quotation marks. The single quotation marks are used to indicate a quote inside the quote. Direct quotes with more than three lines should be typed with a 4cm indentation from the left margin, with font size 10, single space and without quotation marks. The suppression indicators for part of the transcript and the additions should be enclosed in square brackets. The author-date-page number system in parentheses is used for the identification of the source of the quote (ABNT NBR 10520). If there is more than one publication by the same author in the same year, use a, b, c immediately after the date, as well as in the References list, at the end of the article. Example: (MORTARA, 1982a, p.427).

Footnotes: are used for comments, clarifications or explanations that cannot be included in the text. They should not be overused and should be written as footnotes in Arabic numerals (superscript), with single and consecutive numbering for the entire article (ABNT NBR 10520). The notes should be typed in Candara font, size 10, single spacing, justified.

Complementary elements: tables, graphs, figures, maps, charts and formulas should be presented in the text, in the approximate place that they should appear in the final publication, with consecutive and independent numbering, in Arabic numerals, each one identified in the upper part by the term Table, Chart or Figure (maps, formulas, images, graphs) followed by their order number, not in upper case, not bold, Candara font, size 12, centered. Caption / source should come immediately below the table, graph, figure, map, chart or formula, not in uppercase, not bold, in font 10.

The dimensions of the complementary elements (tables, graphs, figures, maps, charts and formulas) should not exceed the formatting margins of the article (A4, portrait). 

Tables and charts should preferably be in object format rather than figures in the text.

The titles of the complementary elements should clearly identify their content, with the explanation of variables and population groups referred to, with the identification of the place and date/period to which the data refer. The titles of the axes of the graphs should be explained.

E.g.: Table 1. Income-generating activities on family farms in Santa Cruz do Sul.

The complementary elements should have their source clearly identified, with information on the origin of the data, the specific base and the reference year(s), according to ABNT standards. Changes on the data made by the authors can be indicated in 'Note', below the data source, as well as the authorization obtained from the editors for reproduction of objects taken/adapted from other publications. It is assumed that the data have been constructed by the authors, therefore, this indication of construction should not be included in these graphs/tables/maps, etc. E.g.: Source. IBGE, 2006. (Data organized by the author).

Graphs, Tables and Charts should be sent in editable formats (not as pictures). For example, if generated in spreadsheets, they should be sent in a spreadsheet file with each element identified in the same way that appears in the text in Word.

Maps and Images should also be submitted in JPG format, in good resolution. The main title and data source should not be included as part of these elements, but rather separately.

Attachments / appendices will not be accepted at the end of the articles. The complementary elements must be presented in the text, in the approximate location that should appear in the publication.

Bibliographical references: at the end of the article the works should be listed in alphabetical order by the surname (in upper case) of the first author cited.

Single spacing should be used, the second line should not be indented, font 12, left alignment. Between each work leave a blank line.

The organization of the references should comply with ABNT standards, according to the following model.



SURNAME, initial of the author's first name(s). Title: subtitle. Edition number. Place: Publisher and year of publication.

E.g.: NEWELL, C. Methods and models in demography. New York: Guilford Press, 1988.


Book chapter

SURNAME, initial of the author's first name(s). Title of chapter. In: SURNAME, initial of the author's name(s) or book organizer(s). Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher, year of publication, initial-final pages of the referenced chapter.

E.g.: ABOUZAHR, C. Maternal mortality overview. In: MURRAY, C. J. L .; LOPEZ, A.D. (Orgs.). Health dimensions of sex and reproduction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998, p. 111-164.


Journal article

SURNAME, initial of the author's first name(s). Title of the article: subtitle. Journal title, volume number, issue, initial-final pages of the referenced article, publication date.

E.g.: SCHELLEKENS, J. Family allowances and fertility: socioeconomic differences. Demography, v. 46, n. 3, p. 461-468, 2009.


Thesis, dissertation and other academic works

SURNAME, initial of the author's first name(s). Thesis title. Type of document (thesis, dissertation, end of course work, etc.), academic level, place and date of defense.

E.g.: CURTIS, S. L. Birth spacing, death clustering and infant mortality in Brazil. Ph.D., University of Southampton, U.K., 1992.


Documents in electronic format

Works of any nature consulted online should necessarily present the information on the electronic address, presented between the signs <>, preceded by the expression "Available in:", and the date of access to the document, preceded by the expression "Access on:".

E.g.: AHMAN, E .; DOLEA, C .; SHAH, I. The global burden of unsafe abortion in the year 2000. In: WHO - World Health Organization. Health statistics and health information systems. [S.d.]. Available in: Accessed on: March 8. 2009.

If URLs (websites/e-mail addresses) have been used in the body of the text, they should be fully informed in the References.


Attention: The Journal Redes is not responsible for the bibliographical references provided by the authors.



1. Articles should be sent in their full version and properly reviewed. The proofs will be reviewed by the editor, based on the text received, and the authors will be responsible for the original text submitted.

2. All papers will be signed, reflecting the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of the Editorial Committee or the journal, but copyright will be granted to REDES after the manuscript is published. Any reproduction authorization, complete or partial, should be requested in writing to the journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.