Levels of social reproduction and strategies for family farming
Agricultural income. Production systems. SustainabilityAbstract
Territorial occupation in the Northwest Region of Rio Grande do Sul has consolidated production units with different characteristics. Thus, this study has aimed to analyze and to diagnose farming production in the city of Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul, to propose development strategies. So, studies have been carried out in farming evolution, agroecological zoning, topology, modeling and technical, economic and environmental characterization of production systems. This research has been carried out through semi-structured interviews with thirty-five farmers, in two stages, in the years of 2016 and 2017, as well as using secondary data and maps. As a result, it has found that the soils are favorable to the practice of farming, with family production units predominating. In the last twenty years, there has been substantial growth in cattle production, grains, fruit and vegetables and a reduction in pig farming and soybean cultivated area. Four agroecological zones have been characterized from the perspective of development and the agrarian history has been gathered into four periods according to ecological, technical and socioeconomic facts. Thirteen types of production systems and five special cases have been identified. Only the family case with grain production and sale of surpluses does not reach the level of social reproduction, that is to say, monthly agricultural income of a minimum wage per unit of family work, plus a thirteenth salary. These farmers should have priorities for action, as well as family farmers who have low cattle production. It is recommended to invest in projects to convert or adapt production, technical assistance and environmental advice for these farmers.Downloads
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