Law & cooperativism: discussing the brazilian reality
Law. Cooperativism. Legislation. Representativeness.Abstract
Human society is marked by cooperation. From the evolution of their needs, the human being incorporated this activity as a means of subsistence, in order to obtain benefits in a communitarian and plural way. The transformation of this process into what we know today as cooperativism, a movement that has at its root democratic principles and the goal of mutual development, has taken place gradually. Of European origin, the cooperative wave spread to the rest of the globe, reaching Brazil between 1960 and 1970. From the legal framework of cooperativism in our country there were numerous adaptations. The historical course, therefore, is of utmost importance to understand the movement's movement, its representativeness and form of legal and social organization. This article aims to expose the path of cooperativism in the Brazilian legal system, considering that there is a need for a multidisciplinary approach between them. The main hypothesis is that cooperativism is a major driver of development in southwestern Paraná. Through an exploratory research, conducted together with the collection of information through an interview with the Advisor of UNICAFES (Union of Family Farming Cooperatives and Solidarity Economy) Alcidir Mazzutti Zanco, it was possible to bring to light the urgencies of cooperativism in Brazil. Faced with the characteristic plurality of this movement, the lack of changes that began in the legislative sphere remained evident. In order to achieve the state task of supporting the development of cooperative activity in all spheres: technical, financial and operational.Downloads
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