Fruit and vegetable markets in Santa Maria (RS): study of the types of producers and marketing channels
Farmers Markets. Small Commodity Producers. Proximity Markets.Abstract
This article seeks to broaden the understanding of the supply of fruit and vegetables through a study of the markets in Santa Maria/Rio Grande do Sul in which the main criteria adopted in the analysis are: types of producer, the different marketing channels and the characteristics of the market used. In Ninety-one growers in Santa Maria/RS were approached, it was found that 50.5% of producers are Small Commodity Producers, 39.5% Simple Commodity Producers and 11% Capitalist Commodity Producers. There is a tendency for markets supported by zero-level channels, with chains hortening, especially Farmers Markets, which accessed by 72% of producers. In 49% of cases, only one marketing channel is explored, in 32%, two, in 16%, three, and only 2% use four channels. Proximity Markets (PM) are most of ten employed by producers, followed by Local and Territorial Markets (MLT), while Conventional Markets (MC) have more limited number of producers involved. We suggest a new producer category, the Rentier Producer, as well as we point out that greater producer autonomy will depend on access to more marketing channels and on a greater control for appropriation of the generated value. Although there are diverse channels where farmers from Santa Maria/RS are inserted, there is greater dependence on MP and MLT, demonstrating how the analyzed production chain is restricted to the local context.Downloads
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