Influence of production and transportation costs for family farming and its relationship with regional development: the case of the municipal marketplace in Guanambi (BA)
Family farming. Open market. Production and transportation cost.Abstract
Family farming plays a key role in the generation of income and supplying urban centres with fresh food. However, the knowledge about the profile of family farmers, especially in the Northeast of Brazil is scarce. In light of this, this paper analyzes the regional influence of the Guanambi (BA) municipal marketplace, formed mostly by family farmers. The analyzes were based on data from field research with family farmers and consumers at the free market in Guanambi (BA), in addition to on-site observations. Among the results, it was identified that the Guanambi marketplace contributes to regional development since most rural properties are located within 100 km of the Guanambi. Most family farmers are unaware of production and transportation costs, confirming the precariousness of the management and control of costs on family farms. Regarding consumers, the quality of products and the price of goods attract consumers up to 19 km from Guanambi. However, the lack of intercity transport is observed in the transportation mode used by producers and consumers. The results make evident the importance of improving public policies with the inclusion of financial management programs and transportation cost calculations for the consolidation of family farming in the regional context.Downloads
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