Minha Casa Minha Vida Program: relevance for the municipality of Lajeado/RS
Public policy, Housing program, Minha Casa Minha Vida, Regional developmentAbstract
The article discusses the Minha Casa Minha Vida Housing Program, launched in Brazil in 2009, under the Growth Acceleration Program. It aims to investigate the relevance of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Housing Program for the city of Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul. It has a quantitative and qualitative approach, through bibliographic research, survey of demographic data in specialized agencies and interviews with three local agents about the implementation of the Program in the city of Lajeado. The data collected bring a systemic view of the regional scenario, guiding questions about the feasibility of implementing housing developments in Lajeado, as well as positive points and difficulties encountered in the management of the Program. The study has its relevance for improving the Program with regard to the accountability of public spending to the population, the distribution of income from the civil construction sector and the improvement of the flow of its administrative process. The research indicates that there is concern, on the part of the municipal public power, in ensuring that the houses present minimum standards of infrastructure and habitability, through a better urban quality in the surroundings of these enterprises. The sustainability of the Program is also put in check, in the face of a constantly changing economic scenario. With the study carried out, it is concluded that the Program has great relevance for Lajeado, in relation to the provision of housing in a city with demographic growth, mainly due to the migration in search of work, contributing to the social inclusion of the beneficiaries in the scenario regional.
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