Municipalities' rural development index: a study based on the 2006 Agricultural Census




Economic Development, Rural Development, Rurality, Factor analysis, Index


Rural aspects have been emphasized due to new attributes and interrelationships with the development of different regions. Based on this finding, the article aims to present a new index of rural development. For this purpose, the selected analytical method was factor analysis with data from the 2006 Agricultural Census. Despite the time lag in the data, the results indicated consistent references to explain rural development, as explained below. The contribution and differentials stem from the set of variables that make up the proposed index, which represents the particularities of the economic development dimensions (economic, environmental, social, and demographic) related to rurality. Secondly, they derive from producing the rurality economic development index, based on all Brazilian municipalities and composed of a set of 9 factors, capable of measuring and categorizing the level of economic development of rural areas in municipalities and large Brazilian regions.


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Author Biographies

Adriano Renzi, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados/ Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Professor da Faculdade de Ciências Contábeis, Administração e Economia da UFGD.

Carlos Alberto Piacenti, Universidade do Oeste do Paraná

In 2015 he received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Economics from the Universidad Nihon Gakko; Doctor in Applied Economics (2009) and Master in Rural Economics from the Federal University of Viçosa (1988), Graduated in Economic Sciences from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Sul de Minas (1984). Associate Professor at the State University of West Paraná - UNIOESTE, teaching in the Economics Course (undergraduate) and in the Postgraduate Program (Masters and Doctorate) in Regional Development and Agribusiness, expert of the State Council of Education. Researcher at GEPEC and consultant for the Informe GEPEC (Online), from the Revista de Ciências Empresarial at UNIPAR, Revista Paranaense de Desenvolvimento (IPARDES), Revista Econômica do Nordeste (REN). Visiting professor at the Escuela Venezolana de Planificacion in Venezuela. He was Municipal Finance Secretary of the Municipality of Toledo and Financial Director of the Urban Development Company - EMDUR. He got second place in the 2009 Academic Economist of the Year award, instituted by Corecon-PR. He works in the field of Economics, with an emphasis on Regional Economics, mainly on the following topics: regional development, regional analysis, regional economy, western Paraná and Paraná, elaboration and analysis of public and private projects with an emphasis on economic and social feasibility. He held the functions of Administrative and Financial Director of Fundação Araucária and State Coordinator of the Paraná Fund - UGF of the State Secretariat for Science Technology and Higher Education - SETI, State Coordinator of PEIEX and State Coordinator of the Small and Micro Enterprises Forum in PR. Elected vice-rector of Unioeste for the term from 2012 to 2015.


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How to Cite

Renzi, A., & Piacenti, C. A. (2023). Municipalities’ rural development index: a study based on the 2006 Agricultural Census. Redes , 28(1).


