Inter cooperation Strategy in Business Networks: An Analysis of the Predictive Factors
Predictive Factors, Intercooperation, Business Networks, Interorganizational RelationsAbstract
The study aimed to analyze the predictive factors in the intention of business networks to adopt a growth strategy through inter cooperation. The research followed a quantitative approach. A survey with 156 members of business networks was conducted and the data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The inter cooperation strategy in business networks emerges as a growth strategy where the complementarity helps to achieve common goals, in addition to maintaining the business networks attractive for its participants, as well as new members. Previous studies have already identified the benefits of inter cooperation, however, it remains to investigate the antecedent factors of this interorganizational strategy. The results demonstrate that the antecedents of inter cooperation originate from strategic, managerial, cultural, and environmental-institutional motivations. Also, the number of member-firms is a factor that influences future decisions to cooperate. The study offers managerial and theoretical contributions regarding the identification of drivers and restrictive factors and their dimensions, in addition to their impact on the intention of business networks to adopt growth strategies through inter cooperation.
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