The contribution of short food supply chains in the formation of agricultural income from different production systems in Brazil




Agriculture, Economic evaluation, Systemic analysis, Short food supply chains, Family farming, Productive diversification


Modern agri-food systems are complex and involve understanding nutritional, productive, institutional, and socioeconomic factors. This study aimed to measure the participation of short food supply chains in the formation of income generated from different production systems on the northern border of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We used production systems as a methodological reference to analyze the internal and external relations at the production unit level, and based on the developed activities, we economically estimated the respective sales channels. Thirty-one farmers were interviewed between October and November 2019. The farmers considered in the sample developed more than one productive activity and accessed more than one marketing channel. According to the production carried out, we identified three production systems: vegetables, agro-industrial, and mixed. Each system has different specificities and contribution percentages to the total agriculture income. In the market, farmers mobilize conventional and alternative markets. The first was mainly used to commercialize of products such as commodities. Alternative channels were used to sell alternatively and/or traditionally produced food. Alternative systems and/or short channels allowed the elimination and appropriation of a higher percentage of generated wealth, contributing to the viability of smallholder farmers. A striking feature of the production systems analyzed was the diversification in production and sales. Although the product plays the greatest role in the income generated, other activities are important and contribute to the production unit’s productivity and economic stability.


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How to Cite

Andreatta, T., Bueno Camara, S. ., & Balk Brandão, J. . (2023). The contribution of short food supply chains in the formation of agricultural income from different production systems in Brazil. Redes , 28(1).


