The social dimension of sustainability in viticulture: a case study of temporary workers in Serra do Sudeste/RS
Work, Rural development, Viticulture, WineAbstract
Sustainability in viticulture is a topic that emerges and has been strengthening in Brazil in a context in which the sector expands to new producing regions. One of the growing regions is the Serra do Sudeste, in Rio Grande do Sul, especially in Encruzilhada do Sul, where Vinícola Chandon started the implementation of Vitis vinifera vineyards in 2000. The paper aims to analyze the socioeconomic profile of temporary workers from the company's vineyards in Encruzilhada do Sul, in terms of their perceptions about work/company. The study has exploratory and descriptive nature, as part of a broader study based on the Baccus sustainability assessment framework, which covers five dimensions: environmental, social, political-institutional, economic and territorial. Focusing on the social framework dimension, a questionnaire was applied to 155 temporary workers hired for the 2023 harvest period. Among the results, the predominance of women, workers with low education and heads of families, with average monthly income of up to a minimum wage. The majority of workers live in the municipality and report the lack of formal job opportunities in the region, considering that only 7.8% participants carry out other formal contract activities throughout the year. In most participants' perception, work in the harvest through direct formal hiring generates an opportunity for income and experience, and the implementation of the vineyard by the company is viewed positively for the development of the region.
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