Translations of the climate agenda by Brazilian governments from 1995 to 2022: between constructions and dismantling




Climate change, Climate agreements, Translation, Public policies


This work analyzes how the Global Climate Agreements were translated in Brazil throughout different governments (1995-2022). The Global Climate Agreements are the result of collective decisions by countries based on the Conference of the Parties (COPs), an event that brings together different world actors to discuss and diffuse ideas related to the climate issue. The participation of countries in these events is built from the interaction between actors, with different ideas and discourses, and immersed in different institutional configurations. Starting from the debate on the translation of public policies, the work analyzes how the interactive, discursive and institutional dimensions of different Brazilian governments produced different international insertions of the country and repercussions for environmental policies. Methodologically, the work included document analysis and interviews with actors related to the climate agenda in Brazil, from February 2018 to April 2022. Far from being linear and unidirectional, the results indicate that the translations of the Global Climate Agreements were different over time by Brazilian governments, involving construction and dismantling, and that ideas were “transferred” to, and influenced by, the country.


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How to Cite

Chechi, L. A., Grisa, C., & Barth, V. J. (2024). Translations of the climate agenda by Brazilian governments from 1995 to 2022: between constructions and dismantling. Redes , 29(1).



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