Spatial analysis of the number of Covid-19 mortality cases: A regional and economic view in the intermediate geographic region of Cascavel-Paraná




Control actions, Social inequality, Income, Lee local bivariate index


The objective of this article was to present an analysis of spatial correlation of the occurrence of Covid-19 mortality related to socioeconomic variables: Gini Income Concentration Indicator, Municipal Human Development Indicator and the number of formal jobs in the Intermediate Geographical Region of Cascavel-Paraná-Brazil, during the period from January 2020 to December 2021. The data come from the Paraná Health System and the Paranaense Institute for Economic and Social Development. The methodology was based on the analysis of the spatial association, in which the Lee bivariate global index and the Lee bivariate local index  were calculated. As a result it was obtained that there were negative spatial correlations between the number of mortality cases due to Covid-19,that are deaths in absolute numbers per municipality and were reported by the State Health Secretariat of Paraná and the Gini indicator and with the number of formal employment in the 2 years studied. The results showed that the number of deaths caused by Covid-19 presented similar characteristics in the two years studied. This information shows the importance of spatial analysis of area data, and the need for implementation of public policies provides the best allocation of resources favoring the minimization of the impacts generated by the epidemic, thus favoring the prevention of future occurrences, in the immediate geographical region of the municipalities of Pato Branco, Francisco Beltrão, Cascavel and Foz do Iguaçu. This result directly reflects the impacts of the economic system of the municipalities that make up the intermediate geographic region of Cascavel-Paraná.


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How to Cite

Cima, E. G., Uribe-Opazo, M. A., Bombacini, M. R., Rocha Junior, W. F. da, & Dalposso, G. H. . (2024). Spatial analysis of the number of Covid-19 mortality cases: A regional and economic view in the intermediate geographic region of Cascavel-Paraná. Redes , 29(1).


