Digital food markets of the Southwest Paraná Artisan Cheese Producers Association (APROSUD):

dynamics, challenges, and innovations.




Family farming, Digital food markets, APROSUD, Artisanal cheeses, Rural and regional development


The present study aimed to analyze how family farmers use digital markets, based on the initiative of the Southwest Paraná Artisan Cheese Producers Association (APROSUD). The analysis was conducted to highlight the dynamics, challenges, and innovations built by the AGFs associated with APROSUD. Methodologically, the socio-technical tools used to carry out sales by seven (7) farmers from the association were evaluated through a quantitative questionnaire, applied via the Food Digital Research App. The results show that the dynamics of physical markets still predominate in sales, but digital markets have grown significantly and primarily serve to meet specific consumer demands and needs. In terms of challenges, it seems that the lack of time for family members to engage in digital marketing tools and individualized delivery logistics for consumers are predominant obstacles that farmers need to overcome. As for innovations, the use of WhatsApp stands out as it is used by all farmers as a means of marketing and customer loyalty, in addition to social networks that allow consumers to learn about agribusiness information and contact the farmer


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How to Cite

Procópio, F., Gazolla, M., & Demetrio, M. . (2024). Digital food markets of the Southwest Paraná Artisan Cheese Producers Association (APROSUD): : dynamics, challenges, and innovations. Redes , 29(1).



Mercados Alimentares Digitais no Brasil: dinâmicas, inovações e desafios