Political-climatic catastrophes and the (non) social participation:

the case of floods in Rio Grande do Sul





Politics of climate change, Disaster governance, Socio-state interactions, Digital narratives, Imagined futures


The aim of this article was to analyze the decisions and communication related to climate governance at the normative (legislation) and digital (tweets) levels during the first 30 days of Rio Grande do Sul's biggest political-climate catastrophe, which occurred in May 2024 in Brazil. Considering the emphasis in disaster research on the importance of involving social actors in recovery, as well as evidence of the ineffectiveness of corrective and preventive measures, we sought, more specifically, to identify social participation. The corrective and preventive measures adopted and communicated to society in general were analyzed. Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul), state (Rio Grande do Sul) and municipality (Porto Alegre). The results show differences in terms of the involvement of social actors, with the federal government being more involved; there are few measures aimed at reconstruction and no preventative measures. In the digital media, the government's narrative strategies are based on combating disinformation, victimism, and alarmism. Finally, there is a disconnection  between the production of new legislation and communication on social media.


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How to Cite

Dowbor, M., Resende, R. C., Machado, F. V., & Salmi, F. (2024). Political-climatic catastrophes and the (non) social participation: : the case of floods in Rio Grande do Sul. Redes , 29(1). https://doi.org/10.17058/redes.v29i1.19669



Response strategies in the face of the climate emergency