The higher education and the agroecological perspective: advances and limits of the Center For Studies In Agroecology of HEI in Brazil


  • Luis Mauro Santos Silva Doutor em Agronomia pela UFPEL; docente da Universidade Federal do Pará, no NCADR e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Territorial e Sociedade na Amazônia (PDTSA/UNIFESSPA); membro dos NEA AJURI (edital CNPq 29/2014); NEA Puxirum (edital CNPq 28/2014); NEA IFPA/Castanhal (edital MCTI/MAPA/CNPq Nº 02/2016) e; RNEA Norte (edital CNPq 29/2014). E-mail:
  • Romier da Paixão Sousa Doutor em Estudos Ambientais pela Universidade de Pablo de Olavide (Espanha), docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em desenvolvimento Rural e Gestão de Empreendimentos Agropecuários, do Instituto Federal do Pará, Campus de Castanhal - PA; membro do Núcleo de Estudos em Educação e Agroecologia – NEA IFPA/Castanhal (edital MCTI/MAPA/CNPq Nº 02/2016). E-mail:
  • William Santos de Assis Doutor em Ciências (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro/CPDA); docente e Coordenador (biênio 2016/2017) do programa de Pós-graduação Agriculturas Amazônicas (PPGAA/NCADR/UFPA) e; coordenador do NEA AJURI (edital CNPq 29/2014). E-mail:



Agro ecology. Agro ecological nucleus. Superior education.


The present article presents reflections about the importance of the agro ecological study nucleus (NEAs) created by the Federal Government politics. On the analyzed context, the NEAs lean against, invariablement, on the familiar logics of production as protagonist of a new education, research and extension format. Based on a documental and theoretical revision, we observed that the proposal, to creation of the nucleus, brings as an innovation, principles for a collective construction of agro ecological knowledgement, or, socially elaborated and considering the multiple dimensions of the regional development. For the creation of these NEAs in all national territory, the active involvement of the most diverse social actors and of the IEs, it was necessary, to possibilate a new epistemological perspective where the popular knowledge earns on the recognizement and contributes on the search of resolutions of the local social and productive demands. It’s valid to salient that for these collective background new institutional scenarios came up. The proper creation of new IEs, especially on regions more distant of the great urban centers, showed a major sensibility on the incorporation of local demands of the civil society. Moreover, with limits well limited of this public initiative, in minor of one decade, this action are proportionating an effective regional and national articulation of new formats of IEs, transforming the NEAs references on the debate all around the strategic themes linked to the agro ecological perspective.


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How to Cite

Santos Silva, L. M., Sousa, R. da P., & Assis, W. S. de. (2017). The higher education and the agroecological perspective: advances and limits of the Center For Studies In Agroecology of HEI in Brazil. Redes , 22(2), 250-274.


