Environmental sanitation in the region of Missões-RS: reality and challenges in the implementing public policies promoting regional development





Regional Development Council. Urban solid waste. Waste pickers cooperative. Selective collection. Public consortium.


The implementation of appropriate public policies to solve problems related to environmental sanitation and more especifically the collection of municipal solid waste (RSU), constitutes a major challenge to be faced by most brasilian municipalities.The article analyzes the reality experience by the municipalities of de region of Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, regarding the collection and treatment of urban solid waste, with the objetive of contributing to regional development. The qualitative approach is used, based on the analysis of documents and in the bibliographic review. It was possible to see that the alternatives proposed for the equation of the problems faced go Through the formation of cooperatives of waste pickers, with regard to selective collection of urban solid waste, and the joint action of municipalities, Through the formation of public consortia with regard to the final destination of waste in landfills.


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Author Biographies

Edemar Rotta, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS)

Doutor em Serviço Social - PUCRS; Mestre em Sociologia; Pós-Doutorando em Serviço Social - PUCRS Professor do quadro permanente do Programa de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas - UFFS.

Luis Henrique Teixeira Franqui, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS

Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas (PPGDPP) da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS) - Campus Cerro Largo. Graduado em Direito pelo Instituto Cenecista de Ensino Superior de Santo Ângelo (IESA, 2015).



How to Cite

Rotta, E., & Franqui, L. H. T. (2019). Environmental sanitation in the region of Missões-RS: reality and challenges in the implementing public policies promoting regional development. Redes , 24(3), 313-333. https://doi.org/10.17058/redes.v24i3.9894