Conversationformation among black teachers: love as a political act
conversation, everyday experiences, narratives, black womenAbstract
This article seeks to discuss conversation as a research and training methodology based on conversations between black women. The text is anchored in the field of research in the daily lives of schools and makes visible narratives from ordinary people justifying this choice as an epistemological-political-methodological choice. The work is organized into three moments. In the first, the authors present the concept of conversation training as an emancipatory possibility of research in dialogue with the concepts of continuous, everyday and singular-social training. They defend people's experiences as a power to think about teacher life, training and the challenges of school. In the second and third, they bring two distinct reflections based on a narrative by one of the authors to address the political nature of conversations in the experiences of black teachers working in early childhood education, bringing reflections on the lack of research on the care that should be directed to these black teachers, who care. And, finally, arguing that dialogue and sharing food also represent a form of love and (re)existence. They
consider conversations in the kitchen as spaces of mockery and erasure as they go beyond the place of subalternity historically associated with black women. In the end, they present provisional and open (in)conclusions in the face of research that highlights the singularities of its actors.
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