The remote teaching model brought us the emergence of rethinking pedagogical practices, which trigger an assessment model focused on the learning development rather than on a final grade. With that in mind, our main goal is to discuss teachers’ perspectives on assessment during the emergency remote teaching period, which was driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, a survey was carried out with language teachers who are members of a research group at a private university in the South of Brazil, which investigates issues related to teacher education, literacies and identities. To work with the data that emerged from the responses, we used content analysis (BARDIN, 2016) and discussed it based on theorists who ground the study. From the data analysis, we propose multimedia and multimodal practices for language teaching, suggesting Project-based Learning (MORAN, 2018) as an approach that can contribute to formative assessment.



Assessment. Emergency remote teaching., Multimodality, Teacher education


The remote teaching model brought us the emergence of rethinking pedagogical practices, which trigger an assessment model focused on the learning development more than on a final grade. With that in mind, our main goal is to discuss teachers’ perspectives on assessment during the emergency remote teaching period, which was driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, a survey was carried out with language teachers who are members of a research group at a private university in the South of Brazil, which study issues related to teacher education, literacies and identities. To work with the data that emerged from the responses, we used content analysis (BARDIN, 2016). Based on the analysis of the results, we propose multimedia and multimodal practices for language teaching, suggesting Project-based Learning (MORAN, 2018) as a technique that can contribute to formative assessment.


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How to Cite

Frank Kersch, D., & Fettermann, J. V. (2022). The remote teaching model brought us the emergence of rethinking pedagogical practices, which trigger an assessment model focused on the learning development rather than on a final grade. With that in mind, our main goal is to discuss teachers’ perspectives on assessment during the emergency remote teaching period, which was driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, a survey was carried out with language teachers who are members of a research group at a private university in the South of Brazil, which investigates issues related to teacher education, literacies and identities. To work with the data that emerged from the responses, we used content analysis (BARDIN, 2016) and discussed it based on theorists who ground the study. From the data analysis, we propose multimedia and multimodal practices for language teaching, suggesting Project-based Learning (MORAN, 2018) as an approach that can contribute to formative assessment. Rizoma, 11(1), 4-22. Retrieved from