Cognition in (inter)action: multimodal metaphors produced during a lesson of German as a Foreign Language




multimodal metaphors, prepositions and verbal prefixes, German as a Foreign Language


The article explore how metaphoricity is expressed through the multimodal metaphors produced by a German-native-speaker teacher and Brazilian learners of German as a Foreign Language when discussing possible metaphorical meanings of the preposition and verbal prefix über. The lesson, which was taught for undergraduates at a Brazilian university, was videotaped. The interactions were transcribed using the conventions GAT 2 and gestures were described based on Cienki (2010). Based on the concepts of Conceptual Fluency by Danesi (1995) as well as the dynamic aspects of metaphoricity by Müller and Cienki (2009), the analysis revealed how metaphor thinking is indeed embodied and how such embodiment can be explored in the classroom.


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Author Biography

Adriana Fernandes Barbosa, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Doutoranda em Estudos Linguísticos


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How to Cite

Barbosa, A. F. (2019). Cognition in (inter)action: multimodal metaphors produced during a lesson of German as a Foreign Language. Signo, 44(79), 18-28.



Metáforas Multimodais