Between tears and blood traces: the pains and anguishes represented for violence against women in olhos d’água of Conceição Evaristo




Violence against women. Olhos d’agua. Conceição Evaristo. Brazilian literature.


According to the sources current media such as newspapers and social networks on the three days of February 2019, 109 cases of femicide had already been reported in Brazil. Therefore, if patriarchy were still a matter of discussion and doubt for society, with such situations are evident that women are still a group that sees and materializes a woman as an object, never as a subject, thus making us part of minorities excluded by patriarchy. Brazil becomes a way of resistance. This way is capable of taking for all spaces and for all social groups the voice and stories of women who had their lives marked by pain, violence and suffering. Conceição Evaristo, for the most part of his literary collection, makes a point of representing, through her characters, the stories of these women. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify by what types of physical violence pass the characters presented in Olhos d’agua (2014). Methodologically, excerpts from the narrative were analyzed that reinforce what has already been mentioned by Beauvoir, Butler, Spivak, Bourdie, Scott, Freyre, Tiburi, among others, about violence against women, gender inequality, racial discrimination and patriarchalism, since there is no way to disconnect such purposes from the central purpose. Finally, it is concluded that as in this research the woman is seen as a victim, it is stated that of the characters presented by the author and selected for the study, all suffer some kind of violence


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How to Cite

Paim, L. de L., Ferreira, P. V., & Umbach, R. Úrsula K. (2020). Between tears and blood traces: the pains and anguishes represented for violence against women in olhos d’água of Conceição Evaristo. Signo, 45(82), 89-100.



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