Continuing reading training: teacher's look at the use of pre-reading strategies in the classroom




In-service education for teachers. Reading. Metacognitive strategies. Pre-reading.


This article presents the Pre-Reading Activities Workshop, one of the actions of the Ler & Educar (Read & Educate) Project: in service education for teachers in Santa Catarina (OBEDUC / CAPES), developed by three universities, UFSC (Florianópolis), UFFS (Chapecó) and UNESC (Criciúma). The proposal presented in this article, based on the assumptions of Psycholinguistics, was offered to teachers who were in the schools of Ler & Educar in Chapecó. The aim of it was to teach the participants based on metacognitive processes involved in reading, how to use pre-reading strategies for preparing during classes as a resource to the process of reading comprehension. The methodology comprised the direct teaching of pre-reading metacognitive strategies, in the format of workshops, using audiovisual tools and interactive activities that facilitate the action / reflection on the metacognitive processes involved in reading comprehension. The meetings were an important time for pedagogical reflection on practices of those groups. The outcomes were evaluated through a questionnaire, which answers pointed to the participants' recognition of the contemporaneity, relevance and contribution of the proposal and its content to their pedagogical practices.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, M. G. M. de, Mulinari, E. T. N., & Finger-Kratochvil, C. (2020). Continuing reading training: teacher’s look at the use of pre-reading strategies in the classroom. Signo, 45(82), 160-172.



PPGL Unisc: 15 anos de pesquisa em leitura