Samba and literature: the rhythms of Ismael Silva in the novel Desde que o samba é samba (2012), by Paulo Lins




Literature, Samba, Paulo Lins, Ismael Silva


This article proposes a comparative study between the novel Desde que samba é samba (2012), by Paulo Lins, and lyrics by the sambista Ismael Silva, created while the narrative takes place, mainly, in Rio de Janeiro from the early twentieth century.  In this manner, a brief contextualization will be made about the history and development of samba, seeking to identify references and similarities between the fictional text and historical facts, from reading of authors such as Lira Neto (2017), Tinhorão (1998), Luiz Antonio Simas and Nei Lopes (2020). The literary project of Paulo Lins for this novel will also be investigated, taking as a starting point, theoretical perspectives by Jacques Rancière (2005) to analyze how Lins fictionalizes the real, aiming to question the official history and to give birth to issues of appreciation from African-Brazilian communities in the formation of Brazil. At last, some lyrics by Ismael Silva will be analyzed to demonstrate how Ismael's samba and Lins' novel express important themes, experiences, historical and social issues in the processes of cultural formation in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Coelho, J., & Xavier, J. (2022). Samba and literature: the rhythms of Ismael Silva in the novel Desde que o samba é samba (2012), by Paulo Lins. Signo, 47(89), 12-20.