A desumanização na poesia de Alex Polari
Testimony Literature, Brazilian poetry, Alex Polari, Dehumanization, Military dictatorshipAbstract
The purpose of this article is to present an analysis of the traces of dehumanization present in the poems “Recordações do Paraíso” and “Zoológico Humano”, by the poet and former political prisoner Alex Polari, inserted in the book Inventário de cicatrizes (1978), in the light of the theory testimonial literature. For this, a contextualization of literary production in the period of the Brazilian military dictatorship is carried out, in addition to an analysis of the transposition of the effects of depersonalization, to which the imprisoned poet was subjected, to poetic language. With regard to the theory of testimonial literature, poetry and dehumanization in the context of the military dictatorship, and being a qualitative bibliographical research, this work is based on the considerations of authors and scholars, such as Jaime Ginzburg, Maria Rita Kehl, Márcio Seligmann-Silva, Wilberth Salgueiro, Paul Ricoeur, among others. Finally, it is expected to contribute to the transmission of the memory of authoritarianism filed by the military regime in the prisons of political prisoners, enabling greater attention to testimony through poetry as a form of reflection on the history of Brazilian society.
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