The common school as a formative space for the double teacher and educational interpreter of Libras
Teacher education, Libras interpreter training, Communication accessibility, Mediation, Deaf education, Special educationAbstract
In order to achieve better results in the education of deaf students, teachers and Libras interpreters benefit from studies on more efficient ways to jointly organize teaching actions for deaf students in Elementary School II. Thus, this research intends to deal with the importance of the formative space in the common school between teacher and educational interpreter (IE) of Libras, starting from the discussions and analyzes in this field of research. In a mediated and specialized way, expanding the possibilities of instruction and development, it is necessary to discuss the training needs of teachers and IEs, about the challenges experienced by them in the daily life of the inclusive classroom and to point out the possibilities of instruction in a training space at school. Reflections will be permeated by the theoretical framework of exponents in the area of education for the deaf who are articulated with the principles of the cultural historical approach proposed by Vigotski (2021), expanding the possibilities of instruction and development, through and in shared social relationships. The results reveal productive meetings, which contributed to the professionals so that they could rethink their representations, their experiences, their practices, individually and collectively, in order to transform the teaching of deaf students into more effective actions.
KEYWORDS: Teacher education. Libras interpreter training. Communication Accessibility. Mediation. Deaf Education. Special education.
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