The role of Italian Sign Language (LIS) in the Italian educational system




Inclusive education, language policy, Italian sign language, deaf education, minority languages


Italian Sign Language (LIS) education is going through a profound transformation in Italy. Since its recognition, in 2021, as the natural language of the Deaf minority, and the definition of LIS interpreters as the designated professionals to mediate communication needs involving signers in all public settings, the debate has increased in the attempt to determine the content and purpose(s) of the interpreters' training (in Higher Education?) courses. While formal education in sign language (SL) is becoming increasingly important for interpreters' training, and universities are opening experimental courses for them, the linguistic education of deaf children and the vocational training of Deaf adults as SL teachers are gaining new attention. In light of these changes, I discuss the state of the art of general education for the deaf in Italy, glancing at the steps that led to LIS recognition, and the training of bimodal bilingual (deaf) children in public education. Past choices influence the present. The topic will be covered from a historical and interdisciplinary perspective, following the evolution in the social as well as political decisions that influenced deaf education.


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How to Cite

Tagarelli De Monte, M. (2023). The role of Italian Sign Language (LIS) in the Italian educational system. Signo, 48(93), 24-33.



v. 48, n. 93, 2023 - Bilingual education for the deaf