Reading comprehension of posts in Whatsapp groups
Posts in WhatsApp groups, Social network, Levels of reading comprehensionAbstract
This study aimed at investigating how reading comprehension levels are affected by different types of texts posted in WhatsApp groups. The research was based on authors such as Day and Park (2005), Rabello and Tavares (2016), Wolf (2018) among others. Thirty higher education students, between 18 and 30 years old, participated in WhatsApp groups and had to read and discuss texts. The purpose was to evaluate reading comprehension at six levels according to Day and Park's taxonomy (2005) - literal, reorganization, inferential, prediction, evaluation and personal response.The comments posted about the texts were analyzed as ‘pertinent’, ‘tangential’ and ‘random’. The results showed that reading comprehension levels varied according to the type of the text. Shorter texts generated a greater number of posts. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to say that the participants performed well at different reading comprehension levels, all above fifty percent, except in the level of reorganization. The texts ‘Short News’ (SNT), ‘Long News’ (LNT) and ‘Internal Communication’ (ICT) texts had the largest number of relevant posts. On the other hand, the types of texts that generated the greatest number of tangential and random posts were Fake News Texts (FNT). The ‘Meme and Charge Texts’ (MCT) led readers to interact more with one another’ posts, avoiding to comment on the researcher’s proposed questions, probably because they were very short and fun.
Keywords: Posts in WhatsApp groups. Social network. Levels of reading comprehension.
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