Relationships between Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness and Letter Knowledge Skills, Associated with a Phonic Instruction Program, on Reading and Writing Performance
phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, knowledge of letters, phonics instructionAbstract
This study investigated the relationship between phonological awareness, phonemic awareness and letter awareness, when associated with explicit phonic instruction, on the reading and writing performance of children in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades. Quasi-experimental design in three stages, pre-test, intervention and post-test. The participants were 48 students (age = 6.98a), randomly assigned to the intervention and comparison groups. An intervention program was applied with 22 intervention sessions on phonic instruction, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness and letter-sound knowledge. The data was analyzed using Spearman's correlation, multiple linear regressions, Mann-Whitney tests and Pearson's chi-square, controlling for the group variable. The results showed a significant correlation between phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, letters and reading and writing measures. The regressions showed strong and significant explained variation between the phonological and phonemic awareness variables for the reading and writing measures, except for letter knowledge which reached a ceiling effect and did not show significance. This evidence has educational implications for understanding which skills incorporated into a phonics instruction program contribute significantly to children's initial literacy.
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