Perception of shared reading practice: pedagogical project "enhancing reading fluency"




Perception, Practice, Reading fluency


We start from the perception of teachers regarding the results obtained through a pedagogical project focused on the development and improvement of reading fluency, led by the resource room teacher at a public school in the municipal network of Porto Feliz, located in the interior of São Paulo. The project focused on 4th and 5th grade students in Elementary School who were experiencing difficulties in reading. The methodology adopted was based on studies of the psycholinguistic model called Double-Path, as well as supported by references from the field of study. Through measurement, a significant progress was observed in reading speed and word decoding ability, including pseudowords and texts. Teachers also noticed changes in students' attitudes, such as increased confidence when reading aloud. The overall perception of the practice of these individual activities fulfilled its objective by noting the significant contribution of the resource room within the school environment to the learning process.



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Author Biographies

Sheila Garbulha Tunuchi de Campos, UFSCAR

PhD candidate in Education and Master's degree holder from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). Specialized in Clinical/Institutional Psychopedagogy and Clinical Neuropsychopedagogy, Mental Health, and Special Education. Graduated in Pedagogy. Municipal public servant in the educational network of Porto Feliz, working as a teacher in the resource room. Founder and volunteer at the Neuropsychopedagogical Care Center Association. Experience in research on reading fluency of basic education students at Motrix Learning Platform company. Experience in neuropsychopedagogical clinical care. Involvement in non-governmental organizations focused on children and adolescents in the municipality of Sorocaba. Logistic support in educational systems for the implementation of pedagogical political projects aimed at effectiveness in full citizenship in projects with partnerships from community segments. Organization and control of technical administrative logistics involving the elaboration and implementation of documentary archives and pertinent legal and institutional procedures related to cases under the institution's responsibility. Continuous strengthening of contacts with regional socio-assistance networks for the realization and articulation of partnerships for philanthropic actions, such as fundraisers that enable good results in socio-educational projects. Experience in coordinating distance learning courses at the higher education level and as a university lecturer.

Rosa Aparecida Pinheiro, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Professora da UFSCar, campus Sorocaba, no curso de graduação em Pedagogia e na Pós-graduação em Educação. Integrante do GT 18 EJA - ANPED. Coordenadora Acadêmica do Programa Residência Pedagógica. Graduado em Licenciatura em Pedagogia pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Mestrado em Educação pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Doutorado em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, com Estágio Doutoral na Universidad de Barcelona, ​​e Pós-doutorado na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Atuação no campo de pesquisa, ensino e extensão em Formação de Professores, Currículo e Educação de Jovens e Adultos.


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How to Cite

Garbulha Tunuchi de Campos, S., & Aparecida Pinheiro, R. . (2024). Perception of shared reading practice: pedagogical project "enhancing reading fluency". Signo, 49(96), 51-62.



v. 49, n. 96, 2024 - Práticas de leitura compartilhada de livros na infância e