“O cinema é 24 vezes/ a verdade por segundo”: considerating about image and time in Marília Garcia’s poetry


  • Mariane Rocha Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense




Marília Garcia, Cinema, Time


This article seeks to identify how images contribute to the elaboration and apprehension of the present time constructed in Marília Garcia's lyrics. To do this, we discuss the poems "Classification of dryness" from 20 poemas para o seu walkman (2007), "pelos grandes bulevares" from Câmera lenta (2017) and "parque das ruínas" from parque das ruínas (2018). The analyzes highlights how the poet appropriates the cinematographic concepts of “slow motion” and “fast forwarding” in her poetics, paying particular attention to the way they are used in the thematization of foreign space. The final considerations indicate that the constant transit present in Garcia's poetics has its double in moving images — to grasp, in the poetic text, life in the spaces to which she moves, the poet unfolds her reflections in the cinematographic instance.


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How to Cite

Rocha, M. (2025). “O cinema é 24 vezes/ a verdade por segundo”: considerating about image and time in Marília Garcia’s poetry. Signo, 50(97), 56-64. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v50i97.20042