Possibilities of literary reading: between resistance and seduction


  • Marli Cristina Tasca Marangoni
  • Flávia Brochetto Ramos




It has been noted the absence of a systematic approach to literature throughout Elementary School.This fact reveals, on one hand, the strength of the school to the playful nature of the text and on the other, the difficulty for teachers to perceive the literary reading as a meaningful process for the reader, both subjective and cognitively. This work presents a paper developed with students in 7th and 8th grades of Elementary School. This proposal aimed to promote the building of skills for reading and interaction with the literary object. It was considered the perspective of Reception Theory, by the Recepcional Method. Popular texts were used for guidance, seeking the advancement of national folklore to the universal and discussion of ideas of "seduction/freedom", conveyed by the symbolic elements recurring in the narratives selected. According to Bordini and Aguiar (1988), the Recepcional Method was proposed in order to transform the reader's horizon. Five steps were considered in developing the paper, which guided the selection, the mediation and the meeting with literary texts: determination, service, rupture, questioning and broaden of the horizon of expectations. The dialogue with the texts and between them was established mainly from oral discussions, which led to approaches and disruptions in relation to the universe of readers' expectations.


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How to Cite

Marangoni, M. C. T., & Ramos, F. B. (2012). Possibilities of literary reading: between resistance and seduction. Signo, 37(62), 110-128. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v37i62.2839



Leitura e processos cognitivos