Conceptions of reader, reading and literature in Machado de Assis´ short story


  • Débora Bender
  • Juracy Assmann Saraiva



Since the mid 20th century, there has been a great change of paradigm in the studies of Literature Theory. The Aesthetics of Receptions arises, advocated by Hans Robert Jauss and Wolfgang Iser, who attribute the construction of the literary text to both, reader and author. Therefore, there is great change in focus of literature legitimacy, since it moves from text to reader. Observing Machado de Assis stories, it can be realized that they are favorable to this theoretical reference, due to constantly requesting the reader´s participation. Based on what was formerly exposed, the present work centers on Machado de Assis´ story “Miss Dollar”. The focus of the research is the emergence of issues connected to the reader, to reading and to literature, substantially the analysis in the Aesthetics of Reception. The work is divided in two stages: firstly, the review and identification of bibliography concerning the reading issue; secondly, the analysis of the reader, reading and literature of the story mentioned.


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How to Cite

Bender, D., & Saraiva, J. A. (2012). Conceptions of reader, reading and literature in Machado de Assis´ short story. Signo, 37(62), 367-380.