Writing of sentences for literacy: the role of syntactic awareness


  • Ana Paula Rigatti Scherer Faculdade Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Caxias-RS)
  • Vera Wannmacher Pereira Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul




This article deals with the importance of syntactic awareness in the writing of sentences for literacy. We investigated the 1st year students from three different schools: Group A, students entered in METRAMAR (TREVISAN, 2007), Group B, students who participated in the PECOS and Group C students who have not participated in the program or method. Were performed pre-and post-test of syntactic awareness and writing sentences. The results revealed that groups A and B showed better scores on syntactic awareness, but the writing of Group A showed better performance. It was concluded that it is necessary the systematic teaching of reading and writing sentences in literacy.


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Author Biographies

Ana Paula Rigatti Scherer, Faculdade Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Caxias-RS)

Fonoaudióloga, doutora em Letras, atua na área clínica e escolar da SME-Guaíba e é professora do curso de Fonoaudiologia da faculdade Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Caxias-RS)

Vera Wannmacher Pereira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutora em Letras, professora titular da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)



How to Cite

Scherer, A. P. R., & Pereira, V. W. (2013). Writing of sentences for literacy: the role of syntactic awareness. Signo, 38, 44-60. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v38i0.4164



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